2 Ways Clearonhold.com Can Help You Communicate About the COVID-19

As we all now realize, the COVID-19 Pandemic either has affected or will affect how your customers are communicating with you.

That means, when people need to contact you, they’re a lot more likely to call before they come! 

When they call, many of our customers are using Clearonhold.com to help communicate the changes. 

2 Ways Clearonhold.com can help

#1 If you aren’t already using clearonhold Professional Auto Attendant Greetings – Start Using them.

If your phone system allows, Professional auto attendant greetings are a great way to get the word out about your most important changes to EVERY SINGLE CALLER quickly, clearly, concisely and professionally.  They work both after hours, and if you like, during the day.   Your customers know there are changes, and you may be able to answer their question in the first 15 seconds of the call, and before your phone ever rings!   This will go a long way to helping your business to stand out as a reliable, professional stable resource during this time of chaos. 

#2 Use your On Hold Messages to communicate

Getting your on hold messages updated is super easy with clearonhold’s online production builder. It can take as little as 10 minutes to get the entire thing put together and on your system. Plus, with our extremely fast turn around speed, you can rest assured that the new updated messaging will be on your system very quickly so you can get your communications out as fast as possible.

These are very unstable times. It could be weeks, or it could be months.  Hopefully, we’ll be able to get back to normal, sooner, rather than later. 

Let us help you stand out as a stable business with a level head during this crisis.  If you are communicating clearly, accurately and professionally during this time of crisis, your customers will trust you many years after the troubles of COVID-19 are in the distant past.

Call today and ask for Johnny, Jimmy or Stephen today, and let us help you continue to stand out as a stable, professional resource for your customers during this time of chaos.